Veda Classes

We at THE GHANAPATI strive towards perfection in Vedic chanting. Our focus is on the emphasis on Vaak shuddhi, Maatra shuddhi, Akshara Shuddhi, Swara Shuddhi while pronouncing the Vedic Mantras. Because, the Shabdham / the sound is the most important aspect of the Vedas, and preserving this Shabdham, listening to this Shabdham and uttering this Shabdham, accurately without any errors is what drives our efforts.

You are highly encouraged to listen and follow various Vedic chants that we have published on our YouTube channel – The Ghanapati, which is run by Sri K Suresh.

Currently we at The Ghanapati are NOT conducting Veda Classes – online or offline. We might conduct classes in the future.
In case you want to be a part of that, please read the information below regarding what we consider a serious student and fill the form.

 Everything in my life, I learnt it the hard way. Including the Vedas. From my experiences of learning the Vedas for over 25 years, here is what I expect.

What we consider a Serious Student of Vedic chanting

    1. Not merely repeating the mantras after the Guru, but also actually interested in learning the technical aspects of Vedic chanting.
    2. Really get into the details of why we are pronouncing the mantras a certain way, deep dive into how Vedic swara works, the small and subtle nuances of different swaras, and how to pronounce in different scenarios, exception cases etc. Really get into the Sandhi rules, how to pronounce when 2 aksharas join, how Swaras change when Sandhi happens, exception cases etc.
    3. Respecting how difficult it is in acquring such in depth knowledge on Vedic Pronunciation, respecting the amount of research and contemplation that has gone into help achieve technically correct pronunciation and giving appropriate Guru Dakshina.
    4. Understanding how the Guru has acquired this knowledge. The various Vedic Scholars from whom the Guru acquired this knowledge. The very high Guru Dakshina given to those Vedic Scholars for sharing this valuable and sacred knowledge.

What we consider a Non-Serious Student of Vedic chanting

    1. Merely repeating the mantras after the Guru
    2. Not interested in the technical aspects of Vedic chanting
    3. Not getting into the details of Swara rules and Sandhi rules.
    4. Casual learners to pass time.
    5. Not knowing the differences between Sanskrit shlokas / stotras and Vedic mantras.
    6. Not interested in understanding how the Guru acquired his knowledge, from which Gurus he learnt, whether the Guru gave Guru Dakshina to his Gurus.
    7. Not respecting how difficult it is in acquring such in depth knowledge on Vedic Pronunciation
    8. Feeling ENTITLED to such Vedic Knowledge.
    9. Expecting the Guru to impart such in depth Vedic knowledge for free or extremely low Dakshina
    10. Staying ignorant. Passing judgements without knowing the experiences of the Guru.

We will try and come up with a way to attract SERIOUS students (as defined above) in the future.

The Ghanapati - Veda Classes Updates

If you want updates regarding future Vedic Chanting classes, check that you are a serious student as specified above

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Tips for your search of a Guru to learn Vedic Chanting –

    1. If you feel that Vedas should be taught for free or low Dakshina, do not approach Gurus who themselves have learnt Vedic chanting by giving high Guru Dakshina to their Gurus. Only approach Gurus / teachers who themselves have learnt it for free (sometimes even paid a stipend for learning).
    2. For FREE Vedic Learning without a personal Guru, you can visit our YouTube channel – The Ghanapati.
    3. Learn to gauge the techincal proficiency of a potential Guru. For that, you should arm yourself with cursory Vedic knowledge. Do your homework. Our YouTube channel – The Ghanapati might help a bit.
    4. Learn to talk to Vedic scholars / pundits. Approach them when they visit your place for an important function / ocassion.
    5. Learn about the potential Guru’s background. Where did they learn? What did they learn? Are they really knowledgeable? How good is their pronunciation?
    6. If you are interested in learning the technical aspects of Vedic chanting, find a guru who can help you with that.
    7. If you are only interested in repeating the mantras twice / thrice after a guru utters it, find a guru who can help you with that.
    8. Define “what learning Vedic chanting” actually means to you. Have a goal. Know what you want to learn.
    9. Be a true seeker. Do not feel entitled to Vedic knowledge. Do not think that things should be handed to you on a platter.
    10. Do not be Naive.

All the Best in your search!

For Veda Classes conducted by others, please click here: Veda Classes – Other Contacts.